

Intuitive Channel

Lightworker Inner Circle 16

The True Warrior Spirit

Intention as a Vehicle for Change

The Goddess Collective

Channeled through Micheila Sheldan

The true warrior spirit is not what it has been defined as on your planet today. War mentality could never be the platform upon which peace arrives. An internal battle cry is the harmonic capture of chronic imbalances that co-create their match in the outer world. When you believe you must fight for something, it is only because your intentions are in stark contrast to outer conditions. But to create change in the direction of your desires takes a very dedicated path and focal point. The bullseye is not found within the outer ring of the circle, but at the very center; an exact area of focus.

True warrior spirt is an eternal and infinite source that may become easily hidden by physical circumstances appearing stronger than its presence. To reclaim this spirit, it is important to understand that no outer condition is a match to the love and power you hold within. Conflict is only showing you the way back home, but sometimes redecorating in your inner sanctum to peace and tranquility is in order.

In times of great change, it is possible to transition abundantly and in alignment with desired outcomes, even when it seems impossible to achieve.

Your spirit is a container filled with abundant love, meant to evolve effortlessly through time like the flowers, grasses and trees. The seasons of life come to nourish you and are purposeful in their arrival. The flower does not feel sorrow as winter arrives, but welcomes the deep rest of its alchemical powers. Beneath the snow, its roots expand and transform. Although to the naked eye it seems dormant, there is an unseen process underway that is just as important as the warm spring and summer months ahead. Without this time of calculated suspension, it cannot thrive, grow and expand. Its spirit is in alignment with this process even though a blanket of snow covers its beauty. The flower realizes it is now transforming within and becoming a new version of itself. Its spirit is never absent but always changing.

As teachers of Universal Law, we come to activate your personal and sovereign ability to create within the suspension of your current earth experience.

We come to offer a gentle reminder of how the magnetic bonds between you and your collective hologram hold intricate and meaningful relationships on your linear path. Moving through what we see as a timely and divinely orchestrated galactic shift is not easy for a physically focused planet, but necessary. We come to share our personal insights at a time when you may be questioning your own and other’s around you.

These transmissions are filled with massive codes and data that will stream into your energy field and replicate the original harmonic fields upon which the earth was created.

At Sophia’s request, sacred ceremonies are held in support of her intentions. These Divine Feminine rituals span time and are birthing rites for new realities. Sometimes the ceremonial focus is on a new timeline potential that opens a door to those ready to ascend. Other times, Akashic history is the nucleus, as generational patterns hold blocks to an evolving collective’s highest result. We invite you to participate in these ceremonies with us as we share our soul’s warrior spirit with you; an organic aspect of all who lovingly journey together on the earth plane.

The warrior spirit within thrives when focused upon service and holding space for the abundance of others.

As you enter this circle of light with us, we acknowledge that your agreement is made in the highest intention for yourself and all others, honoring free will and infinite creative potential. We synchronize all of your desires with our own in a harmonic container as we move through this process together as one. As we convene each week, notice the subtle changes in your energy field, but especially how you are more aligned with joy, peace and abundance. Honoring all that you have already come to know, we are adding to the library of your consciousness and expanding it for ample use at a time when it is most needed. We intend to relinquish fear, doubt and especially favoritism that arrive at the hands of a corrupt system. We relinquish all that lies within you still upholding these false matrices as we take your hands into our own and prepare to embark upon lessons from our Master Teachers.

During this process, you will:

  • Uncover the true meaning of wealth and abundance through the eyes of Source
  • Reveal your personal gateway to the true warrior spirit
  • Curate a unique vision for collective transitions
  • Clear false fears and vibrational blocks that stand in the way of your personal power
  • Understand the workings of personal and collective holograms
  • Create a sacred grid for your inner sanctuary to rise powerfully into the physical realm

You Receive:

1: The Harmonic Source Field | Introductory Message and Activation | Lakshmi & Ishtar

In this introductory transmission, we receive a beautiful download and teaching from Lakshmi who reminds us that we are the harmonic source field in action. The sonic vibrations of Sophia replicate the harmonic fields upon which she was born and remind us of how to tune our inner voice to manifest all that we have created and desire. As Lakshmi offers an understanding of abundance from her Master Teachers through time, she is transmitting a codex designed to illuminate your consciousness and reveal the universal laws that exist within. Ishtar joins Lakshmi to walk us through an activation designed to integrate all parts of the self into one beneficial field for manifestation. We also learn about the workings of and how to work with our sacred grid. Bathe in the beautiful messages of these ancient goddesses who take you into the etheric realms to reclaim the original harmonic source field within.

2: Five Channeled Transmissions | The True Warrior Spirit 

Join Micheila and multiple loving Guides on a five channeled journey to uncover the true warrior spirit. These transmissions are a mix of knowledge and support combined with vibrational activations and processes designed to help you thrive on the planet today. Although the entire collective will be present during each transmission, some will step forward individually with special lessons and personal stories reflective of present times.

This program is not only focused on raising your inner warrior spirit, but also designed to share this wisdom and loving vibration with the collective earth at a time when it is most needed. We come together as a circle of unbroken light to focus energies on the whole of humanity, such that Source meets every requirement to serve the highest intentions and outcomes.

Weekly topics will include:

  1. Your Highest Power | Holding Space for Others While Reconnecting to the Source Matrix
  2. Material Requests | Communicating your Needs While Staying in the Realm of Service
  3. Making Room for Source | How to Balance Letting Go and Taking Action in the Physical World
  4. The Vision | The Mechanics of How Sourcing and Serving Go Hand in Hand
  5. Clearing the Collective Path | Diamond Crystal Light Activation for Humanity

We invite you to create your space as those of us in ancient times prepared for sacred ceremony. This need not be elaborate or costly and we will be guiding you every step of the way.

Our goal is to create a focal point for energy that is curated during these practices and remains potently within your heart and personal space. This sacred design will be activated as a portal to earth grids, synchronizing your intentions with those of Sophia and humanity.

You may start by assembling a crystal or two and building outward. Identify and dedicate a small space in your home or yard where the energy can build and thrive. Even if you are participating with us in a different room than your portal, we will connect intentions and energies in each session. Take this opportunity to become as creative as you wish, keeping your personal preferences in mind. Add meaningful relics, photos, tarot cards, symbols, rocks, flower petals, herbs, plants or animal totems.

Allow your warrior spirit to thrive as you bring forward deliberate symbols of your soul’s creative life force; a vision of who you are and what you are yet to become.

This sacred grid becomes a vibrating portal to the earth whereby our prayers and meditations are affecting the entire planet and all upon her. We rise to the occasion in love, holding space for abundant pathways of joy without directing how they must arrive. Honoring the sovereign will of all humans, our warrior spirit shines bright as it is reflected outward from our highest intentions. This dynamic grid will be purified and observed such that no ill intent or vulnerabilities can exist within it. You become the portal keeper and connect it into your environment and life at will.

3: Two Hour Message and Q&A

In this final 2-hour transmission, guidance is offered to address the areas that might be blocking you from integrating the course material or applying it in your daily life. There are also many audience questions answered in this channeled transmission that directly relate to the course material. All activations and processes are vibrational in nature and just as strong on the recordings as in live sessions.

4: Private Facebook Group | Interact with Micheila and the Lightworker Inner Circle 16 Community

Take the collective energy of this course online as you receive support from others in the class and direct interaction with Micheila in this private, exclusive Facebook group for those in the Lightworker Inner Circle 16 program. Post your questions and share experiences as we strengthen and the energy and expand it into the human collective. Micheila posts channeled guidance and answers to questions on the group page daily and sometimes goes live in the group. This is an excellent place for us to share photos and ideas on the sacred grid we are all creating. If you are on social media, this is one of the most beneficial aspects of Micheila’s programs, connecting you with a new cosmic family of like-minded, conscious souls who are ready and willing to share your journey.

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