Intuitive Channel


Micheila has two session options to choose from.

Live Remote Channeled Session | $1000 | 60 minute duration

A private session with Micheila is an intimate, loving experience where you are in direct communication with your guides, teachers, masters and cosmic family members, as well as many of the collectives that Micheila connects with to assist Lightworkers on the planet. Micheila is a trance channel who combines clairaudience, clairsentience and clairvoyance to relay detailed teachings about the soul’s path and purpose. Often past, present and future timelines are presented that are meaningful to your current transition and you are able to ask questions directly of the Guides present.

Micheila’s mission is to assist Lightworkers to identify their soul’s purpose and collective assignment in this incarnation and raise it to a higher dimensional frequency. The fragmented parts of your 3rd dimensional reality are presented in a way that enable you to see the full picture of your higher vibrational self, what you came to do and how you can manifest it in a new dimension. During this dynamic session, information comes very fast and activations and processes are also given to clear resistant energies and raise your frequency. Clients often walk away with clarity, direction and understanding as to their soul’s mission, as well as inspiration to create it bigger through tools, resources and gifts that are already within their energy field.

Remember, you are directly receiving light coded information and frequencies during this interaction with higher dimensional beings, so finding a quiet space and time to receive and integrate the energy is recommended. While accessing your record, your  structure is flooded with new information, moving you forward physically and energetically, expanding your DNA, opening new opportunities and enhancing your creativity.

Micheila does not provide recordings of channeled sessions. However, you will be provided with a link to join a video call via Zoom, allowing you to record the session right onto your hard drive. Be advised that if you choose to join the session via phone or tablet, you cannot record the session via Zoom. Micheila allows you to record your session however you wish on your end, so that you may have an immediate copy. Please have your recording device and questions ready at your scheduled time.

Preparing for a Channeled Session

During each channeling session, Micheila begins with a statement of intention designed to call in the highest Guides to address your questions and current challenges. Micheila encourages you to plan ahead and think about your intentions for the session. She can accomplish a lot in an hour’s time. Multiple areas of your life, including physical health, relationships, spiritual gifts, your soul’s path and purpose, can all be addressed in a detailed download. It is best to keep your intentions somewhat open, allowing your Guides to give you the most important wisdom you need on your path at this very moment. But specific questions can also be answered that are in your best interest.

Write down any questions you have prior to the session, but also keep a pen and paper handy to jot questions that may arise while your Guides are speaking. Sometimes you will receive information or answers you did not consider and it helps to keep the session on track, ensuring the best and most complete result.

Micheila is a trance channel. As she enters this state, your Guides are making direct contact with your soul, using her body and mind as a crystalline vessel to transmit high vibrational codes and information. You will always know the name of the Guide who is speaking and will often see and hear a transition of Guides as topics change. It is not unusual for clients to speak with multiple Guides and Collectives during one channeled session. Other times, one very significant Guide may be speaking on behalf of a collective consciousness.

Because Micheila enters an altered state of consciousness, she does not retain the specific questions asked or answers given during each session. However, she integrates personal understanding while the channeled transmission is streaming through her that can help you quickly ground and decipher meaning from multiple messages. She often receives vivid visions of past life experiences and will consciously step in to better relay these detailed messages.

It is quite common that your Guides will begin with a download of information that is most important for you to hear in the moment. Afterwards, you may ask questions. Remain open to the fact that you may not receive the definite 'yes or no' answer you are wishing. Your Guides are here to support your mission and soul’s journey, but will always look to you to make the final decisions on your life path while providing the wisdom and higher guidance you need to make the best informed choice. They uphold your free will and universal law implicitly, knowing you are a vibrational being and also a creator of your reality. 

During this dynamic session, information comes very fast and activations and processes are also given to clear resistant energies and raise your frequency. Clients walk away with clarity, direction and understanding as to their soul’s mission and inspiration to create it through tools, resources and gifts that are already within their energy field.

Remember, you are receiving light coded information, activations and frequencies during this channeled session, so finding a quiet space and time to receive and integrate the energy is recommended. While accessing your record, your structure is flooded with vibrational information. These transmissions are designed to move you forward physically and energetically, activating your DNA and preparing for new vibrational potentials to manifest.  

Prior to your session, you will receive an email from us with a link to join a video call via Zoom. Zoom allows you to record the session right onto your hard drive. Be advised that if you choose to join the session via phone or iPad, you will not be able to record. In these circumstances, Micheila will provide you with a recording and always has a back-up for those who choose to record on their own. Please have any recording devices ready at your scheduled time. And if you have questions regarding the technology, don’t hesitate to contact us. 

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