

Intuitive Channel

Lightworker Inner Circle 13

Physical Enlightenment

Merging with Universal Energies

The Dolphin and Whale Collectives, Hathor, Divine Mother and Isis

Channeled through Micheila Sheldan

What is active in your mind, consciousness and vibration is also active in your body. Many of you understand this; but with the activation of the new grid, human material must undergo a change to support a higher dimensional experience.

The human body is a crystalline vessel anxiously awaiting your conscious support and direction.

But often it receives mixed signals from you. The communication you receive from the body is also incredibly valuable in how to best direct your physical experience. But what happens when these messages become skewed? And how do you straighten out a myriad of tangled timelines and ascension experiences adding to this communication?

Each of you has a unique energy signature that is rapidly changing as your consciousness and vibration raises.

As you have been focused on the non-physical aspects of your ascension timeline, the body has lagged behind; and in some respects, has been a neglected part of your energy field as a whole. Intercommunication between your subtle energy fields and physical material is always ongoing. And as a soul, you have a Divine plan that continues to align with codes, releasing vibrational signals to magnetize bodily experiences. There is a difference between these soul themes and what many humans are currently struggling with in the human body. This difference is what we come to explain to assist in shifting your physical material into a higher vibrational timeline.

So many aspects of your personal transitions have created a barrier between physical and non-physical integration. We have discussed the integration of timeline energies in previous transmissions. Now, we come to update your technology and consciousness with new, applicable information to support your cellular energy and ability to hold crystalline light as a vehicle for Source consciousness. 

Imagine your physical body as a sea of light that is pulsating like the rhythmic waves of the ocean. At the very center is a vortex or a portal, an access point through which you are able to accentuate or control this movement to your liking. This is what your heart center has the ability to do. It is our intention to shift the coherence of your heart center to align with the new grid in such a way that it relaxes your physical energy and need to manipulate it to your liking. We also aim to acquaint you with your central nervous system and energy channels that can be accessed through breath to evolve your physical body into its light form and support continued health and longevity. 

What we most desire for you as a collective is to resonate in a frequency of self-healing and activation that supports your physical bodies and the bodies of others. There are a myriad of collective energies that are causing disturbances within your body.

The simple fact that the majority of humans on your planet are in resistance of their bodies collectively manifests at the level of your personal physical material. False stories and beliefs about the body are captured within DNA potentials and amplified with every sonic thought or belief that matches them.

We come to explore all aspects of physical enlightenment, from the actual body consciousness itself to its energy channels and meridians and how the body is responding to a myriad of planetary and soul transitions. Our intention is to harness the greatest potentials for your body in alignment with your unique soul plan, considering the themes that must play out, and offer a strategy for comfort with and acceptance of the body.

As transmissions unfold on this journey with us, you will:

  • Fully understand your personal energy signature
  • Eliminate programming from cells, tissues, organs and muscles
  • Install new non-physical technology to merge with physical 5D potentials
  • Learn to hold and embody your physical energy in a myriad of situations
  • Uncover a unique master plan for working in concert with your physical energy
  • Understand elemental processes to increase the body’s immunity and raise its vibration
  • Reorganize physical meridians and how they run crystalline energy

Item 1 – Intro Message | Rebirthing Your Body Image

In this introductory video, the Dolphin and Whale Collectives help us understand the earth’s transition and how it is changing our physical bodies and dietary and energetic requirements. We learn the true meaning of disease, pain and what lies in our DNA patterns and how to easily alchemize new beliefs about the body’s current state.

It is difficult to uphold false beliefs and resistance of our bodies in the new consciousness we have attained. As we access the messages and vibrations in this course, we are working with a codex designed to cultivate a loving and supportive environment for our bodies to thrive. This preliminary channeling contains three very simple, yet profound keycode reminders that negate negative thought patterns about the body, as well as an activation for heart coherence with the new earth sound. Through the breath and heart, the Dolphins and Whales gently and lovingly guide us to release some of the most forgotten moments where significant belief patterns were formed. In the process, we are rebirthed through the womb waters of Gaia into new humans, honoring our bodies and easily identifying these patterns in our daily lives, automatically rewriting them and preparing us to launch into the course material.

Item 2: Five Channeled Transmissions and Activations on Physical Enlightenment

Each transmission is filled with keycode activations and reminders, vibrational processes and activations to align your physical energy.

Video classes are offered via Micheila’s website for viewing. You will receive a log in and password via email if you are new to Micheila’s programs with instructions to access this material. 

Class 1 | Your Body’s Unique Energy Signature and DNA Patterns

One of the most significant blocks to maintaining an efficient and active energy field is the comparison to others. Although there are similar non-physical aspects of your human structure, each of you is designed to interpret and utilize energy differently. There are many factors to consider including your soul contracts, Divine plan, assignment, transitions and sensitivities.

What is your Life Force Signature? And how does it relate to the energetic template of the collective? How do you differentiate between a physical experience that is part of your soul’s Divine Plan and one that is manifested in error?

There are many false relationships to physical energy that we come to explain. Our intention is to help you recognize the difference between what arises in your soul’s plan and what lies outside. Allow yourself to relax into the ease of this transmission as it helps you cultivate a new, personal relationship with your physical body, dropping false expectations and beliefs that are not serving you.

Class 2 | Energy Blocks, Siphons and Vibrational Calibrators

You are immersed in a soup of human, planetary and cosmic energies each day. And although this may be difficult for some empathic souls, new collective energies are calling for more interconnection than ever before. With this in mind, understanding latent forms of energy, siphons and blocks is of utmost importance. There is a spectrum of energetic experiences taking place during this transitional time on the planet. We come to offer a common understanding of how your energy field is actually affected by the outside world while it undergoes a return to unity consciousness.

How do you keep your personal energy field strong and resilient during this shift?

As the planet is recalibrating, your physical material is as well; and this is important to remember as many of you find it difficult to manage your energy. The role that human emotions and beliefs play in the movement of energy through the physical body is also an important concept we come to explore in this transmission.

Class 3 | Ancient Activation Protocols and Your Personal Energy Signature

Many of you are aware that there are central channels and meridians in the body that are designed to intercommunicate and move energy. This part of your technology, although well understood in ancient times, has been difficult to activate and maintain in your current timeline. Your vibration, beliefs and intentions must be fully aligned in unity consciousness before any ancient activation protocol can truly impact your cellular energy, life force and longevity.

We come to offer ancient tools, practices and wisdom in a new, grounded human way. This is because you are new humans and are minding the gap between what was and what is. The bridge between ancient wisdom and your current physical reality is built through your senses, personal connections, visions and physical validations.

How do humans accurately replicate ancient activation tools and processes today?

We come to introduce you to these ancient tools, their purpose and how to integrate them into your life. This transmission also involves a meditative practice to activate the kundalini or creative energy at the base of the spine and raise it up through the chakras into the meridians and central channels of Light. We encourage you to work with this protocol and tailor it to your liking. In the following transmission, we will integrate the new template created through this practice.

You will learn more about:

  • Energetic Meridians
  • Significant Gateways and Passages of Energy
  • Kundalini | Sexual energy
  • Activating and Programming Your Merkaba
  • Plasmic States

Class 4 | Integrating the New Energetic Template for your Physical Form

New Physical/Non-Physical templates for the human form are constantly being created, individually and collectively. Through each decision you make and path you take, a new template or design is initiated. All humans on the earth are currently immersed in one of the most significant, collective integrations of their energy fields, simply because it is within the earth’s record to do this. However, what we notice is that there is resistance to this process at the subconscious level. Some of this comes from activating past life times in which elaborate missions took place through difficult circumstances. Pain and blocked emotion is also quickly coming to the surface, distracting you and causing disturbances between physical and non-physical integration. Your spirit has a way of activating within you all things that no longer serve its highest vision. This is an uncomfortable place for many and the full integration of these templates becomes stalled.

What happens to a new template if it is not fully integrated or accepted into your physical field?

It continually changes and the result is that you never feel as if you are moving forward. Ideas, personal inquiries and inner changes come to the surface, but the outer world never reflects these changes and your desires.

Societal illusions have further skewed the natural process of physical enlightenment. Every human has the ability to rise above physical circumstances, even if they exist within your Divine Plan. This is because your plan may manifest in many different dimensional experiences. Addressing the energy field as a whole becomes the best way to manifest the outcomes you desire.

This takes Law of Attraction to a new level.

When you merge your physical energy with the power of your spiritual self, and your intentions are pure and unified, you will find that manifesting becomes easy. It is less of a specific request and more a simple way existing; shifting your perspective of physical challenges into valuable guidance, understanding and abundance. This is our greatest wish for you.

This transmission includes an activation for integrating the new template formed during the preceding process. It may take some of you longer than others to allow this process to unfold, and that is OK. Work with it in your own time and do not rush. We are offering a technique and guidance for you to modify to your liking and it is our highest wish that you use it in this way. This is a life long journey, cultivating a personal process of energetically merging with physical light – physical enlightenment.

Class 5 | Channeling Light – The New Vibrational Human

When energetic meridians go down, the physical body develops disease. This is because the meridians are meant to channel and recycle energy to always keep the body adapting to change. Most pathogens, viruses and bacteria present in the body strengthen their grip on the human structure due to a lack of energetic movement or channeled light. If these rhythms were strong, the body would constantly recycle its energetic and micro-biotic makeup to suit specific human requirements. 

Utilizing central crystalline channels is the most beneficial way to ensure your body is receiving a diverse nutrient intake. The physical focus on food and water will always be important, but less so if the body is constantly channeling light. We come to explain the concept of channeling light, how it is accomplished and how it may change through time. You will learn the effects of channeling light on your entire physical and vibrational structure and techniques for continuing to keep this light fluid and active within your field. 

Channeling light has a direct effect on physical consumption, easily modifying chemical contents and distributing nutrients to areas that are deficient. When you are channeling light, you will naturally gravitate to the physical substances that hold the most light, which compliment your energetic practices and focus. Light carries a reflection of all elemental properties on earth and in the body. This is why it is also our intention to introduce you to working with elemental consciousness, both physically and non-physically, to amplify your process.

Item 3: Moving of Past Blocks | 2 hours of Channeled Messages

In this final 2-hour transmission, guidance is offered to address the areas that might be blocking you from integrating the course material or applying it in your daily life. There are also many audience questions answered in this channeled transmission that directly relate to the course material. All activations and processes are vibrational in nature and just as strong on the recordings as in live sessions.

Item 4: Private Facebook Group | Interact with Micheila and the Lightworker Inner Circle 13 Community

Take the collective energy of this course online as you receive support from others in the class, as well as direct interaction with Micheila in this private, exclusive Facebook group for those in the Lightworker Inner Circle 13 program. Post your questions and share experiences to gain insight and support on your journey. Micheila posts channeled guidance and answers to questions on the group page daily. If you are on social media, this is one of the most beneficial aspects of Micheila’s programs, connecting you with a new cosmic family of like-minded, conscious souls who are ready and willing to walk with you in spirit.

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